Today I’m taking a trip to France and Paris. “The city of lights” as it is called is a very popular city to visit, and I have been here two times, and I love this city. Both trips I came by plane to Charles de Gaulle airport – the ugliest airport I’ve been to (see the picture)! But the airport was to get in and out of France and Paris so I did survive the ugliness….
The first postcards shows the church “Notre Dame” which is on an little island in the Seine called “Ile de la site”. The construction began in 1163 and the church was completed in 1345. The church is roman-catholic and the foundation stone was layed by Pope Alexander III.
The second card shows a book/picture boot by the Seine. This is very popular by the tourists to shop “touristlike” souvenirs, but to buy more authentic books you have to go elsewhere. The river Seine is much used waterway in Paris, and when you are tired of walking the streets of Paris its very relaxing to get on a boat and sail the Seine. In the evening you can sail the Seine and have a dinner on the river on the same time. “Merci et la bonne nuit”